Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello all and welcome to my brand-new blog, celebrating my ever-evolving endeavor, Shabby Garden Creations (formerly known just as Garden Creations but I overheard a friend of mine describing my items and she used the word 'shabby' and I thought, why not use that word in my name as it does describe my look a little better; thus the change.)

Here are some new Button Bouquets I'm working on.   I'm doing a Craft Show on Nov. 6 (details will follow as we get closer to the date) and will be busy creating lots of garden-related gifts for Christmas shopping.  

 Take care and have a bloomin' day!


Anonymous said...

Those button flowers are adorable! Good Luck with the craft show and the new blog. Take care! Lori

Kathy said...

Woo Hoo! I'm your first follower! Isn't blogging a blast? Love the button bouquets! Kathy

vintagesue said...

very sweet. are they not so fun to make? i should go make some now, but i think i'm too tired.
love the blog.