Sunday, April 24, 2011

Studio Update, Again

Oh My Gosh Becky, Look At Her Butt Basement!   I like big basements and I cannot lie!  You other brothers can't deny!  ha!  remember that song?!     I'm slowly (very slowly!) getting my workshop/studio in order.   Moving is hard work!  so much to do!  I do want to publicly thank my family, especially my sister and her husband, my brother and his girlfriend and my mom, for helping us!!  They are great!!

Here's a before-shot.   Everything in boxes and on the floor.  I even made 'rows' so I could get to things.  See those empty shelves in the back corner? 

They went from this:

to this!:

To all you folks shopping the thrift stores for pretty colored glass pieces and can't find any, I Apologize!!   I've apparently become a hoarder of colored glass!   I had no idea I had that much, really!    But I'm so glad to have it all in one place and organized.   Now I need to do something with it.

I don't think these two little tubes of GEII are going to cut it; I might need to invest in a good caulking gun for the bigger tubes.

Here's some shots of the rest of the basement; it's huge!   I want to make a woodworking section, a painting section, a "completed items" section, etc.

Well, I need to get some more unpacking and organizing done today.   The weather here has been just crappy lately; lots of rain, storms and flooding.   Way too wet to do anything outside;  (so I have no excuse to not get things done inside, right?  right!)

Have a good one!  And Happy Easter!  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Very-Quick Update

Hi all!!   Yes, I know you've been missing me but we've been super-busy getting moved into our new home!   We are super excited to get unpacked and settled; and I'm really super-excited to get the workshop slash studio up and running!   You should see the basement!   I can't wait to show you pics; but then my hubby packed the camera cord away and I can't download any pictures yet; bummer!    Please stay tuned!  

OK, this photo was already downloaded but I picked-up this old vintage print at a flea market a couple months ago.   It has a water mark on it but I think that adds to its charm; plus it was only a quarter!!   Could use a new frame but I love the muted colors and the overall vintage look!

Well, thanks for hanging in there with me!  I promise it will be worth the wait!  and with a Giveaway!!   Have a great day!