Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Best Sellers!

Hi Folks!  Long time, no blog!   Hope everyone is well!   March had me very busy with three spring shows.    All of my garden-craft items sold very well (thanks everyone!!) but my glass plantstands/bird baths are always my best sellers!     It still just amazes me when they completely sell-out and the show is barely half-over!

Here are a few I just finished; in fact, the blue one on the far right is already sold!

The blue ones usually always do go first; not sure why but I know the blue really stands out, especially when you place it in your garden!

I just love this all-blue one!   The other one is a beautiful amethyst color with a stunning almost-copper-like bowl; (this one might be a keeper!)

(yes, that is my run-down ceramic birdbath in the background; I know what you're thinking!  "Why doesn't she put one of her glass birdbaths there?"  Well, let me tell you a story about a cobbler and his children....)

Wait!  I do have a glass birdbath in my flower bed, now that I think about it.   Here is a small collection of glass totems with a glass birdbath that I have had outside for over four years!   That is no joke!

(I don't normally have them grouped together like that but I was cleaning out the flower-bed that day.)

Thanks to everyone who came out to the craft shows and bought!   I truly do appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon!   Please share with me how you are enjoying your garden-craft item, whether a plantstand/bird bath, garden fancy or my latest creation, the garden dream-catcher!  I'd love to see pictures!

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