Sunday, April 24, 2011

Studio Update, Again

Oh My Gosh Becky, Look At Her Butt Basement!   I like big basements and I cannot lie!  You other brothers can't deny!  ha!  remember that song?!     I'm slowly (very slowly!) getting my workshop/studio in order.   Moving is hard work!  so much to do!  I do want to publicly thank my family, especially my sister and her husband, my brother and his girlfriend and my mom, for helping us!!  They are great!!

Here's a before-shot.   Everything in boxes and on the floor.  I even made 'rows' so I could get to things.  See those empty shelves in the back corner? 

They went from this:

to this!:

To all you folks shopping the thrift stores for pretty colored glass pieces and can't find any, I Apologize!!   I've apparently become a hoarder of colored glass!   I had no idea I had that much, really!    But I'm so glad to have it all in one place and organized.   Now I need to do something with it.

I don't think these two little tubes of GEII are going to cut it; I might need to invest in a good caulking gun for the bigger tubes.

Here's some shots of the rest of the basement; it's huge!   I want to make a woodworking section, a painting section, a "completed items" section, etc.

Well, I need to get some more unpacking and organizing done today.   The weather here has been just crappy lately; lots of rain, storms and flooding.   Way too wet to do anything outside;  (so I have no excuse to not get things done inside, right?  right!)

Have a good one!  And Happy Easter!  


Granny said...

I'm green with envy of you huge studio space. I can't wait to see all the beautiful things you create from your stash. Hope you're having a wonderful day.

Lona said...

What a wonderful large basement. I can see why you are so excited with it. A good place to work on such rainy days as we have been having. Happy Easter!

concretenprimroses said...

Oh I'm so jealous too!
Our basement is rather cave like. dh is cleaning it out but for him to use. I hope to get some storage for my mosaic supplies. My study is full of glass!
Love what you did. Great job.

vintagesue said...'s got back...i mean basement. hahaha.
love it!! you have tons of room to roam and play down there. it looks awesome and i can't wait to see how you set up the rest!!
good luck and enjoy!!!!

Blue Fox Farm said...

I'm just wondering what you'll be making with all your glass? Garden totems maybe? I've made some of those and they're great.