Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Very-Quick Update

Hi all!!   Yes, I know you've been missing me but we've been super-busy getting moved into our new home!   We are super excited to get unpacked and settled; and I'm really super-excited to get the workshop slash studio up and running!   You should see the basement!   I can't wait to show you pics; but then my hubby packed the camera cord away and I can't download any pictures yet; bummer!    Please stay tuned!  

OK, this photo was already downloaded but I picked-up this old vintage print at a flea market a couple months ago.   It has a water mark on it but I think that adds to its charm; plus it was only a quarter!!   Could use a new frame but I love the muted colors and the overall vintage look!

Well, thanks for hanging in there with me!  I promise it will be worth the wait!  and with a Giveaway!!   Have a great day!

1 comment:

Granny said...

I've missed your posts. Glad the move went well and now it's time to decide where to put everything. How exciting to have a studio where you can spread your work out and get busy creating. Have a blessed day.