Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun Mini-Signs

These little mini-signs certainly aren't a big money-maker by any means but they are a lot of fun to make.   

When doing craft shows and the only space you get is a 6-foot table, it's important to cram as much stuff on it that you can and that includes a lot of little things.

Speaking of craft shows, see my sidebar on the right for the craft shows I'll be selling at next month.   If anyone needs directions or has any questions, please email me.

The weather here has been just gorgeous lately:  lots of sun and cooler temps (high 60's); I love this weather!

Here's to a bloomin' evening!



vintagesue said...

i love makin the little things more than anything!!! so much fun to just get into a groove and make a bunch of cute smalls for folks to gobble up!! your signs are adorable!!!!
thanks for sharing.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

These are really adorable and the small size is perfect for lots of other uses, too!

Unknown said...

They are so sweet!! I find crafting good therapy!
Thanks for your best wishes, I had a great day, and it was beautiful weather! I will post soon!