Monday, November 1, 2010

Craft Show Sneak-Peek!

Boy, is it ever stressful getting ready for a craft show!  The final, last details are endless; seems there is always something to do or finish.  But it is fun and rewarding, even if I don't sell much; honestly, I just love looking at it all!
I have lots of altered bottles, which I'm still not done with yet; need to add some jewels, want to tie-on some old keys with pretty ribbons, etc.   (You need check out the beautiful altered bottles Lori does at Katies Rose Cottage; she is a total inspiration to me and offers so many more products, all so beautiful.  Please visit her when you can.)

I set-up a trial run in my family room and good thing I did!   Found out my tablecloth isn't going to be long enough; the tables are 8 feet long and my cloths are only for a 6 foot table - duh!   Darn, looks like I'll need to run to the thrift store or Hobby Lobby tomorrow for more fabric; darn! (hehe)
I love making these mini-stands; so easy and they turn out so pretty. 
Well, wish me luck; maybe I'll see you?  I'll take pictures after I'm set-up and will be sure to share it all with you when it's over.

Thanks for visiting and have a bloomin' week!



Unknown said...

Hi Deb, just saw your comment on Vintage sues!
I just tagged you, so please join in, so we can learn more about you!
By the way I love those plate stands, I have a few!

Tara said...

I'm loving the plate stands..I just found your blog and am now your follower.Please pop over and visit mine soon..xx