And don't get me started on the 'plates'! Good Lord; it is a sickness, I swear!
What I need to do is start making things with the 'stuff' instead of going out and buying more 'stuff'! But then I have this argument in my head that the 'stuff' doesn't take up as much space if you can stack it and you can't stack it if you've made something with it; argh!!
And then there's the second argument that 'well, I had an idea for this but maybe I'd better hold-off in case a better idea comes along." Ever have that one? Or there's even the third argument of "well, I don't quite have the perfect piece to go with this piece, so I'd better hold off until I shop some more and maybe find that perfect piece to go with this piece." Please!! You can't find something in all that 'stuff' that would work??!!
Does the cycle ever end??
But here's a really cute white wicker small hamper found at Goodwill that will look cute with flowers in it this summer: The flower sign was a 'find' at the flea market.
I have the same big pile at the moment, but hopefully they will all sell on Saturday!
I love the memo board in your previous post!
I went through a big phase where every surface was covered and last year I had a humongous garage sale. I sold most of the stuff and donated the rest to Goodwill. Then I found your blog. Lordy me I've got the bug again. Yesterday I bought the first two pieces of what I'm sure will become an obsession. Can't tell you what I bought because I'm blogging about it today. *grin*
Now I know why I can never find any good plates to make a totem. You got them all. LOL! Goodwill doesn't even have any pretty ones left anymore.So I gave up looking.
You are NOT alone...
hahahahaha debbie. you are so funn!!! know me. i'm a total plate collector and a clutter hog, so what do i do to stash it??? DRESSERS!!! ARMOIRES!!! instead of open shelves, i have dressers and little curtains an stuff to HIDE the stash. if you hide it, then you can store it for a rainy day and nobody knows it it there!! i love dressers!! my husband calls our house the house of dressers!! i even have them on the front porch! i tuck my glassware away there instead of the basement (cuz ya know it will NEVER get worked on down there). i also use my downstairs craft room closet as storage. just get creative and you can shop til you drop!! i know you will make some total cuteness with those plates!! oh...i also do plate lots when i get overwhelmed by my inventory. i just de-stash and put a bunch of plates for like $15 in my booth in a basket until the right crafter comes along!!!
good luck!!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! the cycle doesn't end. hahahaha.
have fun.
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